Lucito is a village in Molise, it has seen a significant decline in numbers over the years, and now sadly like so many others here is suffering.

It is still a fairly vibrant village certainly in the summer, when many people return to spend time with their family, enjoy the beautiful countryside and the festivals.
I was absolutely delighted when I was asked to join the panel of judges for the annual art competition.
An old church, La Capella Marchesale San Gennaro, in the village which is no longer used for services hosted the event making an excellent venue for artists, and local people to congregate both to participate and to view the paintings both before and after the competition.
Just like any other festival in Molise the event was not just about the art. There was food of course. I have not been to a festa yet where food was not provided.
In Lucito a delicious feast had been set out, with local savory and sweet dishes, as well as some very tasty breads, wine and water.
Nobody went hungry and we were all given a box of food to take home with us, which I shared with my partner for lunch today.. thanks again Lucito.
Having studied and worked in many fields related to art all my life I am passionate about seeing it's application in any form.
It doesn't matter if it is sculpture, a poem, a piece of music a wall mural, a ceramic vase, a necklace, or a painting art gives so much pleasure both to the creator and those who have the opportunity to admire it.
The standard of work from all sixteen of the participants was extremely high. They were able to paint anything they wanted, and although many chose a subject related to the village, others painted something completely different. There was a woman in a funky hat and glasses, an elegant black woman, and even a couple of very colourful elephants.
Second was a colourful painting of musicians which almost sang to as stood looking at it.
Third was a painting of African woman walking along the beach carrying a heavy burden, which certainly made an impact on the audience.
The pictures can all be seen on this webpage
Thank you.
The judges were not hugely influenced by ability or technique but more by personal preference and that certainly impacted on the outcome.
There is certainly nothing wrong with personal prefernce being the deciding factor, and indeed perhaps it the best road to take in a competion like this.
The majority of the artists were professional, and make their living from painting. For a number of others it was just a hobby, but this was not reflected in their work, as it was all of an exceptionally high standard.
Local artists from surrounding villages and even Isernia took part. I look forward to meeting with them all over the next few months to write about them at length.
Perhaps it is something in the air here in Molise or possibly just living in such incredible beautiful unspoilt area the has created so many artists over the centuries and still continues to do so.
Long may it last. I have spoken to many people in Molise who want to see an increase in tourism.
Any event like this would be ideal as a carrot to attract artists from further afield.
Molise needs tourism but it needs to be responsible sustainable tourism... I hope it comes before it is too late.

It was certainly encouraging to see local people working so hard to run this art event, and it is people like this who are going to continue to support and sustain both Lucito and Molise, so well done everyone.

It is still a fairly vibrant village certainly in the summer, when many people return to spend time with their family, enjoy the beautiful countryside and the festivals.
I was absolutely delighted when I was asked to join the panel of judges for the annual art competition.
An old church, La Capella Marchesale San Gennaro, in the village which is no longer used for services hosted the event making an excellent venue for artists, and local people to congregate both to participate and to view the paintings both before and after the competition.
Just like any other festival in Molise the event was not just about the art. There was food of course. I have not been to a festa yet where food was not provided.
In Lucito a delicious feast had been set out, with local savory and sweet dishes, as well as some very tasty breads, wine and water.
Nobody went hungry and we were all given a box of food to take home with us, which I shared with my partner for lunch today.. thanks again Lucito.
Having studied and worked in many fields related to art all my life I am passionate about seeing it's application in any form.
It doesn't matter if it is sculpture, a poem, a piece of music a wall mural, a ceramic vase, a necklace, or a painting art gives so much pleasure both to the creator and those who have the opportunity to admire it.
l'Associazione Altair
in Lucito has been running an art competition for twenty five years. Sadly this time there were very few entries but this did not deter those who entered .The standard of work from all sixteen of the participants was extremely high. They were able to paint anything they wanted, and although many chose a subject related to the village, others painted something completely different. There was a woman in a funky hat and glasses, an elegant black woman, and even a couple of very colourful elephants.
The picture which won was very much in the style of Van Gogh. It was a vibrant starlit view over the villageSecond was a colourful painting of musicians which almost sang to as stood looking at it.
Third was a painting of African woman walking along the beach carrying a heavy burden, which certainly made an impact on the audience.
The pictures can all be seen on this webpage
Thank you.
The judges were not hugely influenced by ability or technique but more by personal preference and that certainly impacted on the outcome.
There is certainly nothing wrong with personal prefernce being the deciding factor, and indeed perhaps it the best road to take in a competion like this.
The majority of the artists were professional, and make their living from painting. For a number of others it was just a hobby, but this was not reflected in their work, as it was all of an exceptionally high standard.
Local artists from surrounding villages and even Isernia took part. I look forward to meeting with them all over the next few months to write about them at length.
Perhaps it is something in the air here in Molise or possibly just living in such incredible beautiful unspoilt area the has created so many artists over the centuries and still continues to do so.
Long may it last. I have spoken to many people in Molise who want to see an increase in tourism.
Any event like this would be ideal as a carrot to attract artists from further afield.
Molise needs tourism but it needs to be responsible sustainable tourism... I hope it comes before it is too late.
It was certainly encouraging to see local people working so hard to run this art event, and it is people like this who are going to continue to support and sustain both Lucito and Molise, so well done everyone.
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