Thursday, 28 September 2017

Ancient ways and new days

Blowing in the Wind.....

Image result for celano foggia tratturo lucito
This sign sits just below my house on the road from Lucito to Castelbottaccio in the Italian region of MOLISE.

The map shows the track, or TRATTURO which runs right past my little farm.
Now it is rarely used, although a few people walk along it, and I mean a FEW... I have only seen about ten people meander past in a year.

Local farmers with land on the fields above me trundle along with tractors, but apart from that, it is deserted.
Many years ago the Tratturi,  a network of tracks across Southern Italy were once used by shepherds who drove their animals along with them from March to October every year.

This was called the Transumanza, which means a migratory movement of animals

They stopped to graze their animals on route, selling milk, cheese, wool and even skins as they went.
Local landowners and farmers worked alongside them, often offering them a place to sleep in a barn or stone shelter, and having the opportunity to find out about news from across the region, long before the TV, radio, internet and phones.

Goats, cattle and sheep were moved about in this way, and although it seemed a harsh existence it provided rich pastures and an income for many.

In the winter the shepherds returned to their homes and the livestock spent a few months in barns across the region.

The ROOTS of the Tratturi can be traced back for well over a thousand years, creating part the foundations on which Molise still sits today.

They are paths trodden by the Samnites, the Romans and many other pairs of feet, as well as hooves

 In  2006 the network of tracks was added to the UNESCO List of potential sites of global importance, but as yet they have not been recognised.

Sadly now eleven years later still very little has been done to protect them.  The only thing in their favour is they are hardly ever used, by animals anyway, or people
 Italian legislation prevents them from being a RIGHT OF WAY for vehicles, except for access to the houses and pastures which sit along side them.

Although there a few that do....

My little farm sits on the Celano to Foggia Tratturo , so weather permitting I can drive up to my house.

Concerns have been raised by the arrival of wind turbines now springing up like mushrooms across the region, scarring the landscape.

We must not sit by and allow Molise to become like Wales, the small country, part of the United Kingdom.

There a vast forest of wind turbines has been created across the whole country changing it;s face and it's stark yet beautiful landscape irrecoverably.

Image result for wind turbines Wales
For the farmers who own the land, yes they provide a valuable source of income as they are still able to graze their sheep under them so reap not only one income but two.

YES... Time marches on.
We demand more energy to sustain our lifestyle, but at what cost?

MOLISE, oh how I love you,Image result for love molise 
Before it is too late....
Image result for Molise

You have so much to offer.....
Image result for tortoise cartoon
is an option that will provide a much-needed income.
The Tratturi are an ideal resource for tourists, many of whom coming from Northern Europe, the states, and Canada are ardent walkers and nature lovers.

Let's tell 


No, we don't want to RUIN it,
  but only to help you PROTECT it and SUSTAIN it.

Efforts made in the past, have failed. Signs like this one just a few metres from my home are a testament to this.

                                                        THE ANSWER 
                                    Image result for sell yourself 
 Image result for molise

 Let's find a way to ensure these Ancient paths continue to be routes trodden on foot, and horseback, with mules and dogs, trotting along beside us.....
Come on and join us.
Let's walk these paths TOGETHER


We are preparing ourselves now to walk along the 


Meet Barnaby he is going to join us for at least some of the way with his girls Lilly and Lotte
They are all in training already.and we want you to come too

Image result for celano foggia tratturo

You might not want to come all the way, but you can join us to walk a part of the route, which we hope to walk in April or May 2018

You can come long on one of the short walking and fitness trips on the TRATTURI in this region and across Molise
which we will be running from March 2017 

Think what an amazing way to get fit and to enjoy the such an amazingly beautiful array of flora, fauna and wildlife at the same time.

For more information contact me 
or email me

These videos of the Transumanza tell the stories of the journeys travelled in the past and more recently


Tuesday, 26 September 2017

Lucito Respects

Image result for respect and age quote

Lucito has an ageing population, a state of affairs now becoming commonplace in the small southern region of Molise, as younger people are struggling to scrape a living there. 


The village tries annually to show its senior members respect, by throwing a party.
Three senior gentlemen carried the wreath, and flag from the village social club to the war memorial.

Molise shows its RESPECT with a Trumpet salute which rang out over the village.

Eat, Drink and Be MERRY

In Molise food is an essential part of celebrating, and everyone invited along enjoyed an excellent repast, all cooked with dedication and passion by an army of local women.

                                       Pasta Arabbiata
                                        Veal and Peas
                                     Grapes and Melon
                             served with wine and water   

The buzz of village life, local people happily chatting, waiting to enjoy an afternoon of fun and food.

 Image result for ROCK STAR

Lucito Rockstars played music all afternoon entertaining everyone.

Accomplished musicians playing the guitar, keyboards, flute, accordion along with some vibrant, and raucous singing kept everyone entertained throughout the afternoon and into the evening.
Tapping feet, and swirling, twirling couples flew around the floor.

The local band played from early afternoon through to evening when another group took over and their dancers stepped in to take over.

                                   And the party plays on 

One day of many......

From my perspective, the highlight of the day was meeting CARLO CONTINILLO, a gentleman of ninety-five, now the most senior citizen in Lucito.

He spoke to me in a quiet, kind gentle voice about his love of the countryside, and his life in Lucito, having lived there all his life he has a lot to share.

Proud now that he has reached the status of the most senior citizen something he richly deserves.

There is much more to Carlo than the light that still twinkles brightly in his eyes.

He proudly told me about his poetry, which I am able to copy down here with his permission

I look forward to meeting with him again to learn more about his life in Molise and be able to relate more of his tales.


Sui dolci pendii del colle
Coperti da manto boscoso
Sorge Lucito mio, Patria natia
Che spazia solenne la valle ubertosa
Nel paesello mio mia collina
Giace la mamma mia col babbo caro!
Lo l'amo tanto, veramente tanto;
Mestizia vien con malinconia
Sorge grazioso sopra un colle ameno
E mira ardito il Matese e l'Appennino
Da cui ricere il gelo e quanta brina
E la frescura dolce in sul mattino
Nei giorno lunghi afosi dell'Estate
Lucito mio e il nome amato 
Dal Sud al Nord ai piedi suoi si snoda
Il piccolo Biferno ondeggiante,
E dona a chi concede la fortuna
di rimarla specie a Primavera
Nell'alma tanta pace e un gaudio al cuore

Il popol che ci vive, il popol mio
Cui voglio tanto bene immensamente 
E semplice, gentile, onesto e buono
Lavora i campi per la maggior parte
Insieme alla gente mia che e Lucitese
Per noi tu sei il piu del Molise
Tu sei come un Santo in Paradiso
Abbiamo vie e piazze che son amore
Ed il corso pieno d'alberi e di fiori
Sembra un tappeto fatto da un pittore
D'inverno che ti metti il manto bianco
Tu sei la stella dei paesi a fianco
Tutti mi sono amici tanto cari
I miei concittadini laboriosi
Pero ad onor del vero devo dire
Che piu di tutto, stringo con vigore
Dei contradini c'hanno il cuore d'oro 



Friday, 15 September 2017

Boars and broken cars

Boars and Broken cars

Image result for wild boar

Have you ever had one of those days? 

You know one of those days when you think life is just getting better, and then BANG it all goes wrong again.Image result for cartoon broken car
The other day was one of those days.

I have been battling to get things off the ground again and had a really positive meeting with someone in the local town of Santa Croce di Magliano.

Driving back to Lucito via Castelbottaccio, I took a little detour.

I stopped to take some pictures of some ancient old Olive trees, just outside the village of Lupara, then clambered back into my car, to set off again.

The car would not start...
What had happened? 
The clutch had gone. 
So I was going NOWHERE


I realised too I had no phone signal so had to wander up the road waving the phone in the air until it eventually picked up a couple of bars

A breakdown was promised in an hour, so I just had to sit and wait. Image result for car recovery truck cartoon

In the meantime

A rustle in the undergrowth...........................................................
I glanced around to see ten wild boars
 charge out into the Olive grove beside me.Image result for olive grove

I did not have a chance to grab my camera,  so just stood watching them for a few minutes. 

When they saw me they took fright disappearing off into the undergrowth.

A few minutes later a larger boar came marching out from the amongst the trees so I thought it safer to clamber back into the car.
Image result for wild boar
He stood staring at me. He seemed to be trying to decide whether I was a threat to him and his family.

Boars rarely attack people unless they feel really threatened or are protecting their young. But there are occasions when they do the results can be quite unpleasant.

Eventually, he must have decided I wasn't and he crashed through the bushes to join the others.

I am used to the countryside and animals so was not unduly worried, although he was rather large.

A boar I met a few months ago was rather more unfortunate. He charged my car, breaking the wing of the car. He carried on crossing the road, with out a scratch on him. Although I am sure he had a headache!Image result for broken car cartoon

BOARS .... 

There are quite a number of boars here in Molise, and I have even had one trot past my window.


Image result for cartoon boars

For those of you, who don't know...

They are wild pigs, related to domestic pigs.
A big solid animal with a big head, and long hefty body. They have a brown bristly coat, with a softer layer underneath.

Molise is famous for the Truffles, which grow in abundance in this area. Boars are rather partial to them, much to the frustration of the local Truffle hunters.Image result for truffles in the ground

They live deep in the forest and are happy near water, so are often found in the valleys foraging in the undergrowth.Image result for foraging for truffles

Their diet is a selection of roots, fruit, nuts and any type of vegetation. But they are not particularly fussy eating anything they can get hold of, as they are big animals so have a ferocious appetite Image result for acorns

With poor eyesight, they depend on their sense of smell. They dig a lot creating havoc in the vineyards and Olive groves, as they drive their long noses into the ground like a very effective bulldozer.Image result for wild boar

The males have tusks and will use them to attack their prey. In the mating season, the males will fight each other in competition for the females.Image result for wild boar

On the whole, the males prefer their own company, only seeking out the company of the females during the mating season, between November and January.

The babies are very cute, as all small animals are. Initially, they have stripes, which start to fade when they are about three months old. They then get a bit braver and start to trundle off with the others on foraging trips.
Image result for wild boar
By the time they are seven months old the stripes disappear completely becoming a rusty orange brown colour. 

They live until they are about fifteen and twenty years old. Very hardy animals they can survive in all weathers.

Their only predators are us, as many find Wild Boar sausages very tasty,Image result for wild boar sausages
 Wolves will attack and kill them too, and while there are not as many here as there were they can still many resident here in Molise.Image result for European wolves

Despite this, they are here in abundance, but like all the animals who can live along side man, we need to leave them to live their lives, while we live ours.

Nature is a question of harmony. Image result for north american  quote on harmony with nature

Here in Molise, one can walk in fields and forest, on sandy beaches, and rocky mountain paths discovering nature's beauty in every corner.

We need to appreciate what we have, and even start to share it just a little more


My knight in shining armour came along and he dragged my poor broken car home...THANK YOUImage result for knight in shining armor

Never mind, I need to loose a bit of weight so will enjoy the extra walking I have to do till I am on the road again....

More blogs on every aspect of life here in Molise,

Sing the night away

A  unique celebration in Gambatesa I decided to something really different for NEW YEAR as it is my favourite night of the y...