Lucito has an ageing population, a state of affairs now becoming commonplace in the small southern region of Molise, as younger people are struggling to scrape a living there.
The village tries annually to show its senior members respect, by throwing a party.
Three senior gentlemen carried the wreath, and flag from the village social club to the war memorial.
Molise shows its RESPECT with a Trumpet salute which rang out over the village.
Eat, Drink and Be MERRY
In Molise food is an essential part of celebrating, and everyone invited along enjoyed an excellent repast, all cooked with dedication and passion by an army of local women.
Pasta Arabbiata
Veal and Peas
Grapes and Melon
The buzz of village life, local people happily chatting, waiting to enjoy an afternoon of fun and food.
Lucito Rockstars played music all afternoon entertaining everyone.
Accomplished musicians playing the guitar, keyboards, flute, accordion along with some vibrant, and raucous singing kept everyone entertained throughout the afternoon and into the evening.
Tapping feet, and swirling, twirling couples flew around the floor.
The local band played from early afternoon through to evening when another group took over and their dancers stepped in to take over.
And the party plays on
One day of many......
From my perspective, the highlight of the day was meeting CARLO CONTINILLO, a gentleman of ninety-five, now the most senior citizen in Lucito.
He spoke to me in a quiet, kind gentle voice about his love of the countryside, and his life in Lucito, having lived there all his life he has a lot to share.
Proud now that he has reached the status of the most senior citizen something he richly deserves.
There is much more to Carlo than the light that still twinkles brightly in his eyes.
He proudly told me about his poetry, which I am able to copy down here with his permission
I look forward to meeting with him again to learn more about his life in Molise and be able to relate more of his tales.
Sui dolci pendii del colle
Coperti da manto boscoso
Sorge Lucito mio, Patria natia
Che spazia solenne la valle ubertosa
Nel paesello mio mia collina
Giace la mamma mia col babbo caro!
Lo l'amo tanto, veramente tanto;
Mestizia vien con malinconia
Sorge grazioso sopra un colle ameno
E mira ardito il Matese e l'Appennino
Da cui ricere il gelo e quanta brina
E la frescura dolce in sul mattino
Nei giorno lunghi afosi dell'Estate
Lucito mio e il nome amato
Dal Sud al Nord ai piedi suoi si snoda
Il piccolo Biferno ondeggiante,
E dona a chi concede la fortuna
di rimarla specie a Primavera
Nell'alma tanta pace e un gaudio al cuore
Il popol che ci vive, il popol mio
Cui voglio tanto bene immensamente
E semplice, gentile, onesto e buono
Lavora i campi per la maggior parte
Insieme alla gente mia che e Lucitese
Per noi tu sei il piu del Molise
Tu sei come un Santo in Paradiso
Abbiamo vie e piazze che son amore
Ed il corso pieno d'alberi e di fiori
Sembra un tappeto fatto da un pittore
D'inverno che ti metti il manto bianco
Tu sei la stella dei paesi a fianco
Tutti mi sono amici tanto cari
I miei concittadini laboriosi
Pero ad onor del vero devo dire
Che piu di tutto, stringo con vigore
Dei contradini c'hanno il cuore d'oro
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