Coffee is never in short supply, here in Molise, or anywhere else in Italy.
But this blog is not about COFFEE.
It is about people realising what is here in Molise.
Like the coffee so much is taken for granted.
But people really must sit up and take ACTION NOW, before it is too LATE.
I have been here just over a year, during that time I have travelled extensively in the region taking photographs and talking to people.
I have found while most people here know what they have so little is being done to promote it.
Tourism is to a large extent virtually non-existent anywhere except in the seaside resorts like Termoli and a few other places.
The majority of people coming to Molise are those from Canada, the States, and some from South America or Australia, all or most of whom want to trace their ancestry.
Yet from my perspective as an English person who has travelled fairly extensively you have so much to offer.
I have spoken to some who would prefer MOLISE was kept a secret, but many are beginning to see that more must be done to take the region forward and ensure it's survival.
Many, or indeed most of the 138 towns and villages are falling into disrepair, as people leave to find work elsewhere.
Ancient castles and houses are crumbling into dust, the only inhabitants in some are cats.
A tiny breathe of air flows afresh through some villages in the summer when people return to houses which have belonged to their families for generations, but at the end of September, they become deserted once again, leaving just a few behind.
For me it is a novelty to wander down deserted streets in ancient villages, to clamber around ruined castles and explore churches rich in frescoes.
Come and explore Molise with me ... I am ready and waiting
In the words of a song from my childhood by Ralph Mactell, about London. But change the world LONDON for MOLISE, and I will show you something that will lift your heart and change your mind about Italy.....
" Let me take you by the hand and lead you through the streets of London
I'll show you something to make you change your mind
There is more to Italy than COFFEE and ICE CREAM, although I would be doing Molise a disservice if I did not mention it's love of FOOD.
I have not been to an event without being invited to eat....
Molise is very proud of its cuisine and quite rightly so. There is an abundance of fresh ingredients, which the majority of people know how to cook extremely well.
I am not really a FOODIE but recognise just how important food is both nutritionally and socially.
Wine of course if a different matter, which I want to learn more about. I have made a start merely by drinking it !! The best way of course!!!
TINTILLIA being the best of red wines here, one which I can heartily recommend.
Just yesterday I met with a group of people, all of whom are involved in tourism in one way or another.
They talked about taking ACTION. They formed a group to try and take things forward.
I am working with them to MAKE THIS HAPPEN...
YOU to share MOLISE if you live here.
AND visit it if you DON'T..........

Cross the Tibetan Bridge at ROCCAMANDOLFI
Gaze in awe at amazing wall murals in Campobasso
Walk along ancient shepherd's paths
Walk in the MATESE mountains
Visit villages like PIETRABBONDANTE
Roman ruins in SEPINO
You can ski in the winter
Meander along the beach at Termoli
Eat Ice Cream anytime you want
Discover the secrets of Molise artists like Elena Ciamaaro in her castle at Torella del Sannio
YOU will wake up not only to SMELL the COFFEE but to drink it in a delectable array of bars, and Cafes across the region from the mountains to the sea
A bar in Campitello
by the sea ...
You don't have to Believe Me ...
come and see for yourself...
And if you live here ...
And if you are thinking about visiting Italy, then don't even consider going anywhere else, because here in Molise they have it all... from the mountains to the sea,
and so much more
For more information email
FACEBOOK .. Penny Barron
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