A breath of Fresh Air wafted through the small Molise town of Santa Croce di Magliano this evening, and it was quite simply a revelation.
Sprinkled liberally in freshly fallen snow this December it is certainly festive, and a concert held in the large white church which dominates the centre of the town bought a radiant glow to a cold winter's night.
A group of singers led by their musical director Francesco Finizio bought Gospel music to Molise.
The audience certainly seemed to enjoy the music although it was certainly a shock to many to see such vibrant energy literally rocking the church.
The guest soloist, La Shion Banks, from Georgia in the USA currently touring with the group said she enjoyed bringing a new brand of music to the hearts of the people here, and her exuberance certainly seemed to lift a few souls tonight.
Although she complained bitterly about the cold and snow it clearly did nothing to dampen her spirits or enthusiasm in bringing Gospel music to Molise.
Akachukwu Onubogu a bright and breezy young man from Nigeria, who has now settled here in Foggia also took the audience down a very different road from the one they are used too seeing when they sit in the wooden pews of their local church.
His rendition of Amazing Grace was sung with feeling and passion bringing tears to my eyes and joy to my heart.
(You can hear it on my facebook page)
Dancing, clapping and jigging with a vibrant energy he was an inspiration to everyone in the church.
I hope this version of the same song lifts your heart too.
The other singers created rich melodies which echoed with clarity around the small church,
Other soloists all sang with ease and grace. Even their pronunciation of the English lyrics was excellent. Something which is sadly not always the case I am afraid to say.
The drummer reminiscent of a rock musician certainly supported the choristers accompanying at just the right pitch bringing rhythm and vitality which together with pianist, bass player and violinist created an eclectic mix
I hope this is beginning of something new which will bring people back into the churches here in Molise, as it a brand of music that certainly lifts the heart, and brings people together to celebrate just what Christmas is all about... Bringing joy to the world.
In 2018 let these words ring out across the world and perhaps if we could share the spirit of Christmas 365 days a year it would be a better place.
In the meantime, it is thanks to forward-thinking open-minded people like
the town's Mayor Donato D'Ambrosio and Nicoangelo Licursi that Molise does exist.

A breath of Fresh Air wafted through the small Molise town of Santa Croce di Magliano this evening, and it was quite simply a revelation.
Sprinkled liberally in freshly fallen snow this December it is certainly festive, and a concert held in the large white church which dominates the centre of the town bought a radiant glow to a cold winter's night.
A group of singers led by their musical director Francesco Finizio bought Gospel music to Molise.
The audience certainly seemed to enjoy the music although it was certainly a shock to many to see such vibrant energy literally rocking the church.
Gospel music is not new of course, but here in Italy certainly in rural Molise it set the pews alight, and the silverware vibrating.
Perhaps a regular dose of leaping, jumping, joyous singers could inject a new lease of life into the churches which are so often empty now apart from a resolute band of local people who file into mass daily.
I am not Catholic so am not in a position to pass judgement, so I decided to do a little research to find out the opinions of others more involved, and I came across this article,
Perhaps this excerpt sums up how many people feel
Worship is indeed a type of praise, and music is an integral part of it. But the sacred liturgy is the public prayer of the Church, a corporate worship by which baptized Catholics enter into a Mystery which is not of their making. Being a corporate action, it is governed by law and tradition so as to preserve its unity throughout the world and its fidelity to the Message revealed by God. Worship is a Christian act of the baptized gathered by bonds of communion with the visible institutional Church.
comments welcome.............
Akachukwu Onubogu a bright and breezy young man from Nigeria, who has now settled here in Foggia also took the audience down a very different road from the one they are used too seeing when they sit in the wooden pews of their local church.
(You can hear it on my facebook page)
Dancing, clapping and jigging with a vibrant energy he was an inspiration to everyone in the church.
I hope this version of the same song lifts your heart too.
The other singers created rich melodies which echoed with clarity around the small church,
Other soloists all sang with ease and grace. Even their pronunciation of the English lyrics was excellent. Something which is sadly not always the case I am afraid to say.
The drummer reminiscent of a rock musician certainly supported the choristers accompanying at just the right pitch bringing rhythm and vitality which together with pianist, bass player and violinist created an eclectic mix
I hope this is beginning of something new which will bring people back into the churches here in Molise, as it a brand of music that certainly lifts the heart, and brings people together to celebrate just what Christmas is all about... Bringing joy to the world.
In 2018 let these words ring out across the world and perhaps if we could share the spirit of Christmas 365 days a year it would be a better place.
In the meantime, it is thanks to forward-thinking open-minded people like
the town's Mayor Donato D'Ambrosio and Nicoangelo Licursi that Molise does exist.
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